CC Taiwan Launches Version 3.0
UncategorizedCreative Commons Taiwan unveiled today Version 3.0 of its jurisdiction-specific licenses. The six standard Creative Commons licenses are legally and linguistically adapted to Taiwanese law, making it easier for local creators to clearly signal the rights they wish their works to carry.
Visitors (high school students) taking a quiz after CC Taiwan team member Polley (in green) explained the licenses.
The launch was celebrated at the 2009 Open House of the Academia Sinica, the host institution of CC Taiwan. The team’s Project Manager, Wen-Yin Chou, presented on “Brief Introduction of Creative Commons Licenses”, while visitors to the information booth could watch CC videos, take quizzes about the licenses, and talk with the CC Taiwan team throughout the day.
Also, keep your eye on for a soon-to-be released video from CC Taiwan, TIPO, and the Public Television Service. The video will be aired later this year on Taiwanese public serivce channels.
CC Taiwan is led by Dr. Tyng-Ruey Chuang with Yi-Husan Lin, a legal counsel at Creative Commons Taiwan, as coordinator the license porting. For their contribution to the new version, CC Taiwan would like to acknowledge Prof. Ming-Yan Shieh at the National Taiwan University and Prof. Hsiao-Hui Chen at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
Posted 31 October 2009