Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Kyle Smith
EventsCan you believe we’re just one week away from the 2021 CC Global Summit? Join us from September 20-24 for an unforgettable event. This week, we will keep the ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ Q&As coming, so that you can continue to get to know our presenters and their session topics ahead of next week. Our next presenter in the series will engage us in a topic that’s been making headlines recently — NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). Kyle Smith is a polymath passionate about the digital art creator economy, working on “conscientious cybernetics” using media & entertainment deeptech. He has a BBA in music industry from Belmont University and a JD in law from Western University. As an active member of LexDAO and Fellow in Gitcoin’s KERNEL incubator, Kyle is currently working on Ethereum projects. Namely, “public good” Ethereum projects that leverage Raspberry Pi Nodejs devops environments for STEAM education. Kyle’s Summit session ‘CC + NFT’will be based on this Creative Commons Canada blog post Copyright as a public good: CC + NFT value creation.
Based in?: Victoria, Canada
Summit Session: CC + NFT
How did you get involved with Creative Commons?
While I was a student at Western Law, I wrote a paper for Brian Fitzerald about using small claims court for copyright disputes.
In the future, what is something you would like to see at the CC Summit?
Monetary & validation awards for community voted projects that support the Commons.
Why are you an advocate for Open?
I believe in the positive impact literacy has on society. Program language literacy is now more important than ever.
What is your proudest achievement?
In academia:
@stevenstrogatz your tweet re: Needham’s visual math book reminded me of
You expertly explain the subtle scale-symmetry invariant in Einstein’s Pythagoras proof: fa^2 + fb^2 = fc^2.
This clip shows my scale-symmetry method. The next clips go deeper.— Kyle Smith | bestape.eth (@bestape) August 22, 2021
What is the best part of what you do? What is the most difficult part of what you do?
The best is being the first to figure out low-level information theory. The most difficult is going out on a limb free solo for long stretches of time.
What is your favorite GIF?
View this post on Instagram
What tool/platform/app are you loving right now?
My Cheerbot script-as-UX because it can live code and hot swap during performances.
“I believe in the positive impact literacy has on society. Program language literacy is now more important than ever.”
What’s one new trend that you think the CC community should look out for?
Full-fidelity duplication as a CC public good embraced by the “global parent” private good NFT layer; the topic of my Summit presentation.
What is the biggest setback you have experienced? How did you overcome it?
Political instability from Truth & Reconciliation struggles has been difficult. I look forward to moving to a jurisdiction without this complication, so I can better prioritize Cheerbot for all peoples.
If you could only leave people with one message from your summit presentation, what would it be?
We can have our cake and eat it too with digital media if we embrace “two-sided coin” IP composites, such as CC + NFT assets.
What was the best career advice you ever received? What was the worst career advice you ever received?
Best advice, know your personal brand and patiently work with it. Worse advice, impatiently try to make a lot of money, above all other priorities.
What would you like to say to Creative Commons on our 20th anniversary?
Congratulations! The World wouldn’t be nearly as Enlightened without you. Keep up the good work. :o)
What does ‘Better Sharing, Brighter Future’ mean to you?
Continue Jobs’s “bicycle of the mind” dream with modern “IoT” general purpose machines like Raspberry Pi so we can unleash the latent power of humanity and innovate ourselves out of this fossil-fuel-driven climate crisis.
Join us from wherever you are for the 2021 CC Global Summit on September 20-24. We will explore the latest developments in the Open Movement, celebrate 20 years of Creative Commons, and consider what the future of Open holds. Register here >>