CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | May: The Future Is Open
About CC, Open Creativity
“The Future Is Open” by Preeti Singh for Creative Commons and Fine Acts is licensed via CC BY-SA 4.0.
As part of our #20CC anniversary, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we gathered insights from 12 prominent open advocates around the world and tasked 12 renowned artists who embrace openness with transforming these perspectives into captivating visual pieces available under a CC license.
Each month throughout 2023, we will be spotlighting a different CC-licensed illustration from the collection on our social media headers and the CC blog. For May, we’re excited to showcase “The Future Is Open” by Mumbai-based fashion and graphic designer, Preeti Singh. The piece, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, was inspired by a quote from Ebenezar Wikina, Founder, Policy Shapers, and Advocacy Coordinator, Foundation for Partnerships Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND Foundation):
“Better Sharing, Brighter Future means that as we continue to find better ways to share ideas, products and solutions on the internet, we’d directly be working towards a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.”
Meet the artist:
Preeti Singh is a talented visual communication designer and passionate artist, known for her captivating artworks that convey compelling stories. Based in Mumbai, India, she has made a name for herself as a skilled fashion and graphic designer. Since she was a child, Preeti has been fascinated by art, culture, and history, and has always had a keen interest in illustration and literature. Her creative journey began with these interests, which have greatly influenced her work. Preeti’s pieces reflect her extensive searches in art, culture, history, and mythology.
Follow Preeti on Instagram: @preeeti____
Follow Preeti on Behance: @PreetiSingh__
Posted 01 May 2023The full #BetterSharing collection is available on to be enjoyed, used and adapted, and then shared again, by anyone, forever. View the full collection >>