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Tag: CC Certificate

CC Learning and Training: 2024 Year in Review

CC Certificate, Licenses & Tools

People Walking on Brown Concrete Floor by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz . Public Domain.

People Walking on Brown Concrete Floor by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz . Public Domain. Creative Commons training efforts strengthen our mission to “empower individuals and communities around the world through technical, legal, and policy solutions that enable the sharing of education, culture, and science in the public interest.” In 2024, our Learning & Training team focused…

Meet the Recipients of the Fall 2024 CC Certificate Scholarship

CC Certificate, Licenses & Tools
School by Thomas Hawk is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

School by Thomas Hawk is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. The Creative Commons (CC) Certificate courses are widely considered an essential resource for open access education and for increasing capacity for individuals and institutions using the CC licenses to increase open access.   The CC Certificate program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices, and…

CC Certificate Alumni Making a Global Impact

CC Certificate, Open Education, Policy
Farmer Melese Tsegaye blows to clean and select wheat seed in his field, Kingbird variety wheat from Kulumsa Research Station” by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center is licensed via CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated nearly 1800 people from 66 countries. The Certificate program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices, and the ethos of the Commons. Our staff is constantly inspired by our community of Certificate alumni, accomplishing incredible things. In this interview, we were delighted…

Highlights from GLAM Wiki by the CC Open Culture Team

Open Culture
From left to right, the team stands together with GLAM Wiki Lanyards. Jocelyn has short brown curly hair and wears a black and white dress with a black shirt. Brigitte has light brown hair and wears jeans and a pink jacket. Connor wears a white button up shirt and jeans, glasses. Jennryn has long blonde hair and colorful hoop earrings with a CC t-shirt. The team is featured in front of an ornate door and checkered black and white tiled floor. Picture of the Creative Commons team at GLAM Wiki, Montevideo, Uruguay, 17 November, 2023. From left to right: Jocelyn Miyara, Brigitte Vézina, Connor Benedict, and Jennryn Wetzler. © Creative Commons, licensed CC-BY.

From 16 to 18 November, members of the Creative Commons (CC) Open Culture and Learning and Training teams attended GLAM Wiki in Montevideo Uruguay. In this blog post we look back at the event’s highlights from CC’s perspective.

Creative Commons Bootcamp for California Community Colleges

Open Education

Open Education Week offers a global festival of open education efforts. As we take stock of the offerings, it’s heartening to look at how individual efforts can feed into larger system’s change. In our Open Education Week 2023 blog post, we highlight community members’ approaches and tools, opening access to education and knowledge. Below, we…

CC Certificate: Alumni interview with Jennifer Miller

Open Education

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated 1255 people from 65 countries to date.  We celebrate the incredible projects in open knowledge and culture led by the graduates of our program. CC Certificate alumni have used the Certificate course knowledge in a number of ways—read about how alumni have worked…

Here are four key takeaways from evaluating the CC Certificate

Open Education

The CC Certificate program helps Creative Commons build professionals’ capacity in open licensing and open practices. The program offers global courses for academic librarians, educators, and cultural heritage advocates; but courses are open to everyone. Through global discussions, course participants work through what it means to engage in an online commons of shared knowledge and…