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Tag: UNESCO OER community

CC Open Education: 2024 Year in Review

Open Education

Photo of Empty Classroom by Diana. Public Domain.

Photo of Empty Classroom by Diana. Public Domain. The Open Education program at Creative Commons works to support CC’s mission through education, advocacy, and outreach on using open licenses and open licensing policies to maximize the benefits of open education (content, practices and policy). We work closely with governments, educational institutions and organizations to open…

Global Access to OER – A report by UNESCO


The UNESCO OER Community attempts to put OER in light of not one, but many cultural contexts around the world. Connecting 900 individuals in 109 countries, the community runs on a wiki platform and communicates centrally via its listserv. Earlier this year in February and March, they held a discussion on the various barriers to…



Last October, I mentioned that the UNESCO OER Community was developing an OER Toolkit “aimed at individual academics and decision-makers in higher education institutions interested in becoming active participants in the OER world, as publishers and users of OER.” Today, the draft version (1.1) has been released with an announcement by Philipp Schmidt of the…

Access to OER Discussion Launched

Open Education

by the UNESCO Open Educational Resources Community today. For those of you who don’t know, the UNESCO OER Community is an international online community “[connecting] over 700 individuals in 105 countries to share information and discuss issues surrounding the production and use of Open Educational Resources – web-based materials offered freely and openly for use…

International OER Community Update


The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement is a global movement. Education is an issue that crosses borders and spans continents; open education—the creation and distribution of OER—empowers people in a global dialogue. However, the mere promotion of OER is not sufficient for the success of this international effort, as many issues and barriers to open education…